Innkeeping is their dream job. Explains Joe, "We became innkeepers to make people happy by providing an experience that slows life's pace, rekindles spirit, and recognizes nature as the primary force in life. In the process, our family benefits from living in this environment and working together for our goals."
Joe, from Massachusetts, and Marina, from Paris, France, have traveled extensively in Europe and know what traveling couples appreciate. "We create hospitality," Joe says, "by providing luxury and peaceful time combined with sensory indulgence."
Marina has years of practice as a provider of comfort and well being, knowing instinctively what makes a great room and an elegant bath and which cheeses are ripe to the point of "being in a state of grace."
Joe provides the exclamation point based on his customer service and sales background in investment banking. He pushes the envelope of service to make each guest's experience at the Windham Hill Inn unique and unforgettable.
"As a member of DINE," Joe says, "we are in a group of kindred spirits whose main aim is to provide a memorable experience based on quality, service, and warmth that renews people and thereby energizes us all."