After a new death experience this Vermont artist, Stephen Huneck, had a vision to build of all things a dog chapel. It would be a place “you could go to communicate with God about your dog” stated the artist. Not just for mourning the loss of man’s best friend but this artist hopes visitors will also contemplate and commemorate our unique human to canine relationship. So what’s different about this house of worship? Staying within the traditional 19th-century church Vermont country decor with two doors, one for women and one for men, but with his the artist added a dedicated dog door by the lower center portal. Decorated with matching raised panels and carved fan above the steeple with one of his “angel dogs”—a full-bodied sculpture, winged and gilded, of his Labrador retriever Sally.
This dog chapel is a must see for the a true dog lover as the funding to build it was from the sales of his art, and time to dedicate was between commissions. “I took any downtime I had and put it into that chapel,” he confesses. It opened in 2000 and now never closes. So if you are in the Saint Johnsbury Vermont area be sure to check out the chapel and his art gallery. And when you are feeling “dog tired” the
Rabbit Hill Inn is one place to rest weary bones.